This is an awesome animated video. As a business owner you should definitely watch it. Last night I shared an amazing new software ‘Aviary’ – a completely free suite of powerful online creation tools. Today A3 clients Dougal Edgar – ‘Black and White Pastoral Sales’ and Sue Manton Little Haven Palliative Care asked me basically the same question –
“Whats the catch?” – “How can something so good be completely free.”
Its a question I’ve had before when I shared some of the many great free software & services on the web. I’ve never really had a good answer.
Then, talk about serendipity, Andrew Nacin who I follow on Twitter, tweeted this:

Andrew in his day job works for Audrey Capital but in his own time (no pay) (see clarification) is one of the core developers for WordPress the ‘free but priceless’ open source Content Management System that we build our sites on.
Clarification – Andrew via Twitter:

That link to Andrews blog – Dream Job

Thanks for that Andrew – Done.
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