I still talk to business people who think social media is a fad. I tell A3 web design clients that they ignore this fundamental shift in society at their peril.
This 4 minute video has some eye opening statistics. Did you know that the fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-65 year old females?
A3 clients know that at a minimum that they should make their sites easily shared on social media and viewable in smart phones.
As a business owner can you cannot ignore those statistics.? They way the community communicates is changing rapidly and as a business owner you still have the opportunity to be among the ‘first movers’ who catch this wave. At A3 Revolution we specialize in social media marketing and can work with you to develop and implement a ‘social media’ marketing strategy that suits your business.
Give us a call on mobile 0428 966819 (Australia) or use the contact form and we’ll contact you.