It’s called Google Places, it’s more powerful than Yellow Pages for local search … and its FREE. As promised in my last post “This video is a must if you are in Business” I want to share how to get your business not only on the first page of the google search engine but to the top of it when anyone is googling your industry, your service or your product in your town or suburb.
A ‘real live’ example is the search term:
‘Web design in Gympie’.
As you can imagine, it’s very important for our business that when people are searching online for a website designer (that is what we do) in Gympie (that is where we are based) that we are on page one of the search results. Setting up our Google Places Page it took just 5 days to be ranked #1 out of 139,000 possible search results for the search term ‘web design Gympie’. Actually we have the top 2 spots for that search term. The only thing better than one search result in the top 3 positions in Google is two search results from a double ranking.

Using google places, the A3 listing also comes up #1 for the search terms – “IT Consultant in Gympie” and “Online Marketing Consultant in Gympie” , because that is the way it was set up.
The exciting thing is that you can do the same thing for your product or service in local search. With a little time and effort you can do it yourself …. if you are so inclined. If not contact us and we will help you set up your businesses Places page.
The short video below has stories from small business owners who are using Google Places to grow their businesses in their local area. The stories are from business people in the USA, but it works no matter where your business is located.
Now the Google places story
OK – what are you waiting for – here is the link to get started making your listing. http://google.com/places
Now that we have shared this valuable piece of business marketing information with you – can we ask you to take a minute to return the favour? Here is a link to our Places page. Please click through and complete a Google Users Review of the A3 Revolution Web Design business. Please be nice 🙂 . If you do we will happily return the favour. Reviews are important and I will cover why in a future post.
If you would like help to properly set up your businesses places listing and get the outstanding local search results we have , then there is a very special offer down in Offers section that you might like to check out. Or if you just want to get on with it now just give us a call on 0428 966819 and we’ll explain it to you.
This has been another online business marketing tip from A3 Revolution Web Design. If you found this information useful please share it with your friends on your social network or by email. You can do that by using the share buttons below.