It has taken exactly 17 full days but now all of our WooCommerce plugins, Pro and Lite (16 in total) plus our Responsi themes are all 100% WooCommerce version 2.0 compatible. This includes full backward compatibility for those who are yet to take the plunge to upgrade to the new version.
WooCommerce V2.0 is a huge fundamental change to the plugins code. I sure hope it is worth the effort. Our plugins and themes are all coded to the WooCodex and yet there was not one that did not have compatibility issues with the new version. God help bespoke Theme developers – I guarantee that if they have not upgraded their theme code that the new Woo v2.0 will break it, same with plugin developers who operate outside of the Woo core extension developers circle.
See on the WooCommerce WordPress support forums that there has been well over 100 new support threads created in the 48 hours since release, with many more to come I’d think.
We do sincerely hope that all of this effort is worth it. We also trust that the WooCommerce team will opt for a much more gradual, manageable and staged evolving of the plugins code in the future.