There has been an adverse consumer response to the huge retailers lobbying the Federal government to tax online purchases under AUD$1,000 to curb the growth of online shopping. A report today in the Weekend Australian states that Australian small to medium business are also not responding well to the challenge presented by the online world.
Accounting software company MYOB, which provides the accounting software systems for around 70 per cent of Australian small to medium businesses in a recent survey found that businesses that have a ‘proper website’ are doing better than those that don’t.
Quoted in The Weekend Australian MYOB chief executive Tim Reed said:
“In general Australian businesses have been slow to adapt and we are only now starting to see the consequences of that. Those companies with a proper website are now showing stronger revenue growth in their core businesses than those who don’t.”

Recent industry figures show that just one in three Australian businesses even have a website. The MYOB research backed up those findings. MYOB’s study found the leaders by industry are manufacturing and wholesale, where 49 per cent of businesses have a website followed by finance, insurance, hospitality and retail at 45% and business, professional and property with 37% of businesses having websites. All other industry sectors were below 23%.
MYOB’s Tim Reed says their research showed that even the best sectors were falling short of giving consumers what they want.
“In manufacturing, the vast majority of businesses have a place-of-business website, but few allow real interaction with their clients. For example, they can’t log in and place an order or check on the progress of an order. In the retail and hospitality sector, most websites are just place-of-business or brochure websites. It is more important for companies in this sector to be well listed in Google and Google Maps. And few do that.”
The message here is simple – want to grow your business? – get online. If you are already online but only have a place-of-business or brochure website upgrade it to a ‘proper website’ where people can buy, book, order, track or leave feedback to interact with your business. It’s what Australian consumers (your customers) want. Like everything else in business if you don’t give it to them you can bet one of your competitors soon will.
This animated video shows the frustrated consumers feel about this whole issue.
Being in business today without a ‘proper website’ has as much future as being in business without a phone. Contact us today about equipping your business with a ‘proper website’.