I’d like to tell you a true story of how I took a page in a site that was not ranked by any of the major search engines and got it to number 1 in Google and on the first page of Yahoo Search and Bing in under 14 days.

Client and friend Scott Lusby referred the business Promotorcycles Brisbane to me just before new year. Like many businesses they have a good looking website but it is not ranked in the major search engines for their products and services. They wanted to see if we could get one page in their site to rank on page one in the search.
Like many websites the site, built in 2009 is only ranked by the major search engines for their business name and its derivatives eg. Like Pro Honda, Pro Yamaha etc. This is a problem because the only people they had coming to their site from the search engines was those people who already knew their name and not people searching for the products and services they sell.
The process of getting a site indexed and ranked by the major search engines is called search engine optimization or website SEO. As I tell A3 clients and prospective clients its the first thing that must be done when building a site. If you don’t any money you invest to make a great site is completely wasted if no one can find it. Building a site without website SEO is as crazy as:
“Spending money on a having a great TV commercial made but then not buying any air time to show it to the world.”
Who would do that? No one. Yet strangely it is exactly what most people do when they have a website built. Back to the story: The commission that our client gave us was to get their Motorcycle Rider Training page highly ranked by the four major search engines. Those in order of the volume of searches conducted are:
1. Google 2. Yahoo Search 3. Microsoft’s Bing 4. ASK
The focus search term I optimized the page for was ‘q ride training Brisbane’ . At the start of the project I performed this search and found:
Google has 122,ooo pages indexed and ranked. The clients home page was on page 20 and the Rider Training page was not in the first 55 pages.
Yahoo Search has 328,000 pages indexed and ranked. The clients site was not in the first 50 pages.
Bing – 332,000 pages and Ask – don’t tell . Needles to say the clients site did not show up in any of those.
Now you have to understand that for a big site like the promotorcycles site after almost 2 years not to rank in the major search engines , there has been no website SEO done on this site by the developer. Unfortunately that is not uncommon. Website SEO is a very specialized field. That is why business owners last year spent USD$26 Billion with google for paid search. If website SEO was easy , no one would ever pay for Google ads.
So my brief was to pluck one page out of search engine obscurity and convince the major search engines to firstly visit the page and then rank it on page one. To make things just a wee bit harder I did not have the luxury of time . Just 10 hours and hence I could not correct the sites considerable SEO faults at its core – could only focus on this one page.
Anyway here it is day 13 and these are the results:
Search term ‘q ride training brisbane’
Google – #1 on page 1
Yahoo Search – #7 on page 1
Bing – #8 on page 1
Ask – Not ranked , which tells me that the Ask spiders have not crawled the site in that time. (Also why its number 4 on the list of the major search engines)
Just 3 days ago the page was not still not showing anywhere in any of them.
Couple of interesting things to note. The Rider Training Page is now also ranked for these terms:
‘q ride instructors brisbane’
Google – #2 on page 1 , Yahoo – #2 on page 1 , Bing – #3 on page 1
‘q ride brisbane’
Google, Yahoo and Bing all have it ranked on page 2 of their searches. But give it time.
I’m pretty darn excited about the outcome for our client because whenever anyone ‘googles’ to find a q ride instructor or trainer in Brisbane – their business is going to be one of perhaps 2 or three that the person will consider before booking their training. Also you will see that I have written their rider training page with a powerful call to action. When you combine SEO with a strong call to action – that is when a site performs for the business owner.
A good story of outstanding website SEO in Australia. Please use the Contact form to start the process of hiring me to get your business these results.