We take your privacy and security very seriously. When you purchase an a3rev Subscription product, you don’t reveal any personal information and don’t expose financial data. All our payments are processed by either Stripe or PayPal on their secure site.
We don’t receive or process any of your financial information. Additionally, we don’t automatically process any recurring payments, that is all handled by Stripe or PayPal when the time comes for renewal of any of our annual subscription Licenses.
When you pass through the checkout, we will need your full name, email and address. The information you enter on the checkout is encrypted by SSL. In fact any page where you enter data, sensitive or not on a3rev is encrypted by SSL. That includes the support forum, Contact Us Page and your a3rev My Account.
Of course, your name, email and address information is stored on our system but is never exposed to any other user or shared with any third party. The a3rev wp-admin is also encrypted by SSL.
We do use your email address to send you our very irregular newsletter. This is more an announcement each time we release new software. We use reputable email delivery companies and you can unsubscribe from the email at any time.
If you have any concerns or need more information, please contact us.